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Написать отзыв о компании Axcient в ТвериAxcient is an entirely new type of cloud platform that eliminates data loss, keeps applications up and running, and makes sure that IT infrastructures never go down. Designed for today’s always-on business, by mirroring an entire business in the cloud, Axcient makes it simple to access and restore data from any device, failover IT systems, and virtualize your entire office with a click - all from a single de-duplicated copy. Located in the epicenter of Silicon Valley’s famous tech hub, growth and innovation are a part of our everyday lives. Collectively, our engineering team is comprised of top-tier academics as well as highly regarded Silicon Valley institutions. The engineering culture at Axcient is collaborative, technically challenging and fun to be a part of. Because we hire only the best and brightest, we nourish that talent with an environment where people can be inspired, thrive, and pursue their passions.https://www.linkedin.com/company/112414 г. Тверь, Тверская областьПохожие компании в Твери
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